Company branch registration

Registration of the company’s branch in Shahriar

The company can establish a branch or different branches inside or outside the country according to the articles of association. Therefore, the company may have a branch or branches. The branch of the company, if it was established at the time of the establishment of the company, is mentioned in the articles of association, and if it is created later, it is considered a change in the articles of association and must be approved by the extraordinary general assembly of the company. Be publicly advertised.

Register a company branch in Mallard and Andisheh

According to Article 8 of the Company Registration Amendment Regulations, if the company has a branch in several registration areas, the publication of the company summary must be done at the branch location in the manner prescribed for the company itself. To do this, the registration office where the company is registered must send all the documents such as the application form and its attachments to the branch office of the domestic company to the document registration office where the branch is established to be published in the official newspaper of the country.

Domestic company branch registration is done in two ways

When registering a company: In this case, while publishing the summary of the company letter, the location of the company’s branches in the advertisement should be mentioned and the advertisement should be sent to the registration office where the company branch is located for publication in local newspapers while transcribing the application and its attachments.

After registering the company: In this case, the branch of the company, like the changes that will take place later in the company, is registered under the company registration and is advertised, then the said advertisement and the transcript of the application and attachments are sent to the place registration In any case, the branch manager or someone who has the right to sign on behalf of the company in the said branch, ie his signature is mandatory for the company, must be introduced and advertised.

Areas covered by the Institute of Ministers

In addition to the mentioned areas, the Institute of Ministers provides services related to the registration of the company’s branch in the cities of Robat Karim, Parand, Parandak, Islamshahr, Chahardangeh, Golgoon, Adran, Ferdis, Haft Joi, Sabshahr, Golestan, Baghistan, Khademabad, Qalamir, Simin Dasht, Fatah, Tehransar, special road, Wardavard offers to you dear ones.